

APRIL 2002 Campaign UPDATE


On April 16th in 1995, tiny Iqbal Masih was shot and killed in Pakistan. Iqbal Masih was a former child carpet slave who escaped thanks to the BLLF. Once free, Iqbal spoke out repeatedly against forced abusive child labor everywhere, especially child bonded labor.

His life was cut short, but a bullet cannot kill a dream.

To keep alive Iqbal's dream of freedom and education for all children, the Kids' Campaign leaders worked on April 16th, 2002, to remember and honor Iqbal Masih in TWO ways.

1. Our city dedicated the public library's garden, the one right outside the Children's Room, to the memory of Iqbal Masih and in the hope that no other children will ever be bought and sold. The Campaign Leaders planted hundreds of pansies in the garden. Pansies are colorful flowers with tiny faces. These beautiful flowers symbolize the childhood all children deserve, a sunny, bright, growing time. In the middle of these pansies, we planted a small tree with twisted, weeping branches. This tree reminds us that not all children have a childhood. Forced, abusive child labour robs 250 million children of their childhood. The Iqbal Masih Peace Garden in the library in our city is a garden of opposites, just like our world. Like Iqbal, we must dream of a better world for all children. Thirty students, ages 11 to 17, planted the garden this morning. We remember Iqbal everytime we pass the garden. ( Please see the four photos taken while students brought to life Iqbal's Peace Garden. His dreams never died.)

2. Inside the library, 14 students presented a "Child Labor Symposium" to the public. Students told the story of Iqbal Masih. Three videos were shown, one about Iqbal Masih, and many student written speeches were given. Those in attendance learned about Iqbal Masih. Those in attendance were challenged to take actions to end child labor. For a look at a new child labor in agriculture web site, go to http://www.fieldsofhope.com

The student speakers raised funds this day to build a school for poor, working children in Ethiopia. The planning and teamwork that created the "School for Iqbal" in Pakistan will now be channeled into a school in Africa in a project called "Operation Day's Work-USA." For details on the Ethiopian project, go to http://odw.info.usaid.gov

Child labor might be ended one school at a time, one country at a time.

As this day ends, Iqbal's story lives on.
As this day ends, more people are determined to end child labor.
As this day ends, more working children will be educated.

A bullet can't kill a dream.

School for Iqbal Kids' Campaign Leaders
and now also,
"Operation Day's Work-USA" campaign leaders
Quincy, MA
April 16, 2002


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