1 (3) to amend Untied States law to prohibit the 2 entry into commerce of products resulting from the 3 labor of underage children, and 4 (4) to offer assistance to foreign countries to 5 improve the enforcement of national laws prohibiting 6 the employment of children under age 15 and to in- 7 crease assistance to alleviate the underlying poverty 8 that is often the cause of the commercial exploi- 9 tation of children under age 15. 10 SEC.3 UNITED STATES INITIATIVE TO CURTAIL INTER- 11 NATIONAL TRADE IN PRODUCTS OF CHILD 12 LABOR. 13 In pursuit of the policy set forth in this Act, the 14 President is urged to seek and agreement with governments 15 that conduct trade with the United States for the purpose 16 of securing an intentional ban on trade in the products 17 of child labor. 18 SEC. 4 IDENTIFICATION OF FOREIGN INDUSTRIES AND 19 THEIR RESPECTIVE HOST COUNTRIES THAT 20 UTILIZE CHILD LABOR IN EXPORT OF GOODS. 21 (a) Identification of Industries and Host 22 Countries.-The Secretary of Labor thereafter in this 23 section referred to as the "Secretary" shall undertake 24 periodic review using all available information, including 25 information made available by the International Labor Or-